Career resources are tools that provide general career information and advice. These tools assist individuals to learn and find accurate information on different careers. They also provide information on colleges, universities and tertiary education, transition from school-to-work, career tests (talents, personality and interest inventories), and links to skills development needed in the world of work. The ultimate purpose is to offer information that empowers people to pursue careers that are rewarding to them.
Establishing a coherent and holistic career guidance and skills system that is accessible to learners at every stage has clear implications for employability and career success. The Kenyan Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) mission is to "nurture every learner's potential". The aim of teaching and learning process is to identify and nurture learners' talents and interests early enough including skills to enable them thrive in the 21st century. This will therefore prepare them for world of work, career progression and development of the nation.
In recognition of the need to identify and nurture learners' talents and skills, My Career, My Future resource has been developed to support learners from K-12 through a journey of career activities and information that are age appropriate. These are:
o Career awareness in PP 1&2 and Grades 1-3.
o Career awareness and exploration in middle and junior school (Grades 4-9).
o Career decision making in senior school (Grades 10-12).
The world of work is constantly changing. With this, todays and tomorrows jobs will require more knowledge, better skills, and highly flexible workers who continually update their knowledge and skills. As such students at all levels need timely and accurate information on career options, pathways and opportunities as part of their preparation when making career decisions. They need tools to help them find and develop their careers that are unique to them and build their own future.
This unique Careers Portal is your one stop informational tool planned around 14 career clusters and related pathways. It gives details about each career; its common set of knowledge, skills and interests required for career success. The career clusters and pathways are expected to provide a smooth transition from junior school to high school and to postsecondary education (technical colleges, colleges and universities) and other post school options. It is resource for all learning institutions, learners in basic education, students in tertiary, parents, teachers, youth in transition and all education stakeholders.